June 15, 2024

12 St 14 Jun 2004 Jahr - The Governor attacks the prison for the second time, Gabe is killed. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 331
- Lilly and Austin prepare for the second assault. Austin is scared and unprepared, he looks vulnerable to Lilly. They climb in their truck and drive four soldiers to the prison. As they arrive Lilly notices that hundreds of walkers have gathered to the noise of the conflict over the past thirty-six hours, and now both sides are fucked.
- The vehicles come to a screeching halt as the prison survivors quickly open fire which catches everyone by surprise. Lilly and Austin jump out their truck and hide under it for cover, shooting biters' legs and then their heads when they fall. She just about hears Gabe arguing with the Governor about how this will be any different from last time. She quickly runs out of ammo in her rifle. A biter crawls under the truck with Lilly and goes for her ankle, she can't shoot is to she kicks and squirms to get if off. Austin comes to her rescue and kills the biter before she can get bit.
- They spot a tiny object falling down outside the fence and get confused for a second. The object, a grenade, bounces off a Buick sedan and then explodes; throwing the car into the air and sending pieces flying which kills: Charlie Banes, Rudy Warburton, Teddy Grainger, Bart, Daniel, and Don Horgan. The blast sends Philip and Gabe flying back. Philip grabs Gabe and drags him behind the tank.
- Gabe yells at the Governor for them to regroup which gets them into a short fight. Gabe apologises and will try to do anything to please his abusive father figure. Nobody sees a busted up RV drive in from the west. A woman stands atop the vehicle like a Valkyrie and snipes Gabe in the back of the head.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


12 St 14 Jun 2004 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
