June 15, 2024

1 Jan 1700 Jahr - XVIII century. Teaching procedures


In the eighteenth century, people were taught using the same basic procedures that were used for teaching Latin.

Textbooks consisted of
-statements of abstract grammar rules
-lists of vocabulary and,
-sentences for translation

Speaking the foreign language was not the goal, and oral practice was limited to students reading aloud the sentences they had translated.

The 18th century saw an explosion in the publication of books about English grammar. The most influential grammarian of his day was Robert Lowth, whose 1762 Short Introduction to English Grammar went through over 40 editions before 1800. Lowth has often been held responsible for all later prescriptive rules, including the split infinitive. As Ingrid Tieken Boon van Ostade has shown, however, Lowth’s prescriptivism is less evident than has generally been assumed. He certainly had nothing to say about the split infinitive.

Still, the success of Lowth’s Grammar prompted others to emulate him and brought about a surge of linguistic consciousness quite unlike anything before. Grammar books became one of the publishing phenomena of the day. The result was a circular process.

The idea that incorrect grammar was a terrible social stigma meant that there was a lucrative market for self-improving grammar books. Many authors hastened to supply this market by writing grammar books, which reinforced the idea that bad grammar was a terrible social stigma. Along the way, many new “rules” were formulated by grammarians keen to fill their pages, and there was a proliferation of exercises in bad grammar designed to test students’ mastery of these rules.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1700 Jahr
~ 324 years ago
