June 15, 2024

1 St. 31 Min, 10 Dez 1948 Jahr - The UN Declaration of Human Rights is adopted.


After the atrocities committed during World War II formally came to light after the end of the conflict, the United Nations acknowledged that there was a need for the establishment of basic human rights and freedoms. The major breach which triggered the UN to implement such rights and freedoms, was the immense and specific persecution of not only the Jews, but also gypsies, homosexuals, the disabled and African-Germans by the Nazis under Hitler. By establishing appropriate laws, the ability for such deeds being perpetrated in the future would be weakened under international law. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights stands as one of the most significant milestones in the effort for humanity’s equality and freedom, as it was the first worldwide document in history to detail such broad yet basic entitlements all the world's people should live with.

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1 St. 31 Min, 10 Dez 1948 Jahr
~ 75 years ago