June 15, 2024

15 St 9 Apr 2004 Jahr - They rescue the helicopter survivors. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 1)


- Day 265
- They get as close to the crash site as they can. Martinez orders the Sterns to stay and guard the truck. He hands everyone a flare and tells them to light it if they get into trouble. They head to the crash site. Martinez takes the left flank, Gus the right and Lilly and Austin take the middle.
- Austin flirts with Lilly who tells him to stay focused, he's nervous and holds his pistol like a cop.
- Less than one hundred yards from the crash site whilst crossing a log bridge, Austin is grabbed by a Biter in the swamp. He jams the road flare into its eye before it can bite through his boot. Him a Lilly share a moment until Martinez calls out having found the crash site.
- They rescue a woman from the passenger seat she's hurt bad and cries for the pilot, Mike, to be buried. She passes out. Mike's body is melted and burned. Lilly thinks of him as a hero and wants to honour the woman's request. Martinez knows what The Governor will do with his body but Lilly believes he'll find out anyway.
- They take the woman and Mike back to the truck. They struggle to fit them in on makeshift stretchers next to all the supplies. If Mike turns they'll quickly put him down. Barbara gives the woman some water. Lilly asks for her name and the woman says, Christina. They go back to Woodbury.
- Lilly thinks that maybe Woodbury could work as a community. With more people like these who care for each other.

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15 St 9 Apr 2004 Jahr
~ 20 years ago
