June 15, 2024

23 St. 30 Min, 11 Jan 2004 Jahr - Martinez and four others plot against the Governor. (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 176
- Five conspirators gather in the railroad shed; Stevie, Swede, Broyles, Taggert and Martinez.
- Stevie asks when they should strike and Martinez responds with soon. Swede asks where and Martinez says he will tell him when the time comes. Swede isn't happy about it and Broyles assures him that its for the best so one of them doesn't get caught and tortured. Taggert asks what they should do about Bruce and Gabe. They plan to get rid of them too as they won't join them against the Governor because he has them too far up his ass.
- Swede says ninety percent of the people in Woodbury probably like Philip and are fine the way things are. Martinez gives them all the chance to opt out if they want to, however nobody leaves.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


23 St. 30 Min, 11 Jan 2004 Jahr
~ 20 years ago
