June 15, 2024

13 St. 56 Min, 8 Jan 2004 Jahr - A storm is coming, Lilly plans a revolt against the Governor. (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 173
- A massive storm will hit Georgia in twenty-four hours.
- Nobody is outside due to the incoming storm so a group of four secretly gather under the racetrack. Lilly, Stevens, Alice and Martinez gather in a dark storage room in the infirmary. Lilly tells them they may never get another change to get rid of the Governor and he needs to be stopped before more innocent people die.
- Stevens tells Lilly she doesn't know what she is up against which she dismisses. She asks Martinez how much he trusts some of the men in his crew and he warns Lilly about what she is planning. She tells him he seems like the kind of guy who can lead a revolt and that Philip Blake, the Governor, has to go. Alice agrees.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


13 St. 56 Min, 8 Jan 2004 Jahr
~ 20 years ago
