June 15, 2024

1 Jan 297982 Jahr v. Chr. - Homo Sapiens "Wise Man"


Homo Sapiens, or "Wise Man", is the most evolved of the four main hominids. These hominids dominated every continent except for Antarctica, something no other hominid had ever done. This was possible for them due to their advanced technology, their ability to create shelter in places that no other hominid could, and their more complex thinking skills. One major advancement that they also had was the beginning of the making of their own clothes. These hominids were extremely adaptable and could change their way of life to live in both hot and cold climates. These advancements, along with others, led them to later dominate the ancient world. Homo Sapiens evolved in Africa, but is now located worldwide. This hominid group has lived for around two hundred thousand years and has coincided with Homo Erectus at the end of its time period, about a hundred and forty thousand years ago. They also lived side-by-side with Homo sapiens Neanderthalensis for around forty thousand years.

Primary Source Inference
This skull is of a homo sapiens male, of whom seems to have died sometime before age fifty. What is particularly interesting about this artifact is the protruding brow ridge, reminiscing
the hominid's more ape-like ancestors. This skull also displays high reaching skull, typical of the modern Homo Sapiens Sapiens. This shows that this hominid has both it's ancestors ape-like features of the past, and it's newer, more modern features of Homo Sapiens. (Watch from time point 0:50 to 0:53) In the video, the Homo Sapiens's leg bones are noticeably thinner than the Neanderthal's leg bones. This leads me to think that Homo Sapiens may have evolved to be able to walk and run for measurably long distances, while Neanderthals were not. This shows what would have been a vast difference in the two hominid group's lifestyles.


-Becoming Human
-Homo Sapiens image-http://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/human-fossils/species/homo-sapiens
-Early Humans website-https://sites.google.com/arlington.k12.ma.us/ehresearch/australopithecus-afarensis

-Homo Sapiens Map-

-Smithsonian Institution-http://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/human-fossils/species/homo-sapiens

-Homo Sapiens/Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis video-

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

26 Okt 2018


1 Jan 297982 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 300205 years ago

