June 15, 2024

20 St 12 Nov 2003 Jahr - Three days pass without an incident. (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 114 > 116
- Three days pass without any walker attacks, a few isolated incidents happened here and there but nobody was in danger. Hierarchies are made and Chad Bingham becomes the defacto leader. Megan Lafferty moves from one lover to the next and hooks up with a husband in plain view of everyone (including the man's pregnant wife) Chad Bingham keeps a close eye on her as they used to be together only a matter of days ago behind Donna Bingham's back.
- Lilly lies in her tent at night thinking about the turn. Harlan Steagal has been discussing the origins of the plague and the behaviour and patterns of the walkers whilst smoking weed and drinking coffee around a campfire with his friends each night.
- Most of the tents are now set up and vehicles are parked all around the camp. Winter is coming and a layer of frost sticks to the ground each morning.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


20 St 12 Nov 2003 Jahr
~ 20 years ago
