June 15, 2024

19 St 13 Sept 2003 Jahr - Nick kills Philip, Brian kills Nick. (Rise of the Governor)


- Day 56
- At around 7:00 PM, Nick returns to the apartment and starts mumbling Bible verses to himself. He grabs a pistol grip shotgun and shakily loads shells. Brian asks whats wrong with him but he doesn't answer. He hurries out of the apartment and Brian follows with his .38.
- Brian manages to get Nick to tell him whats going on and Nick explains that he saw Philip dragging a girl out of town either to rape, or to feed to Penny or both and he needs to end it.
- They find Philip and Nick rushes over with the shotgun raises on him. Brian tries to talk some sense into Nick, Philip assures Brian that Nick doesn't have to guts to do anything and starts to drag the girl away.
- Nick says one last prayer. And pulls the trigger.
- A pellet rips through Philip's shoulder and out his neck, damaging his brain stem. Another pellet takes off the scalp of the girl killing her instantly. Nick slumps to his knees and thinks about what he just did.
- Without even knowing it, Brian shoots Nick at point blank out of pure rage. He cradles his dying brother in his arms and doesn't even notice his passing. A dozen biters emerge out of the trees and go for Philip. Brian heads back to the construction site and waits out he feeding on top of a truck cab.
- After the biters leave, Brian goes back home and sits down staring into an empty fish tank. He sits there all night and all day.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


19 St 13 Sept 2003 Jahr
~ 20 years ago
