June 15, 2024

18 St 13 Aug 2003 Jahr - They stop at a rest area, Brian tries to ask Philip about April. (Rise of the Governor)


- Day 25
- Brian worries about them getting dehydrated and then spots a sign that reads 'Rest Area - 1ml'
- They stop there and Brian asks Philip what exactly happened back at the apartment with April and Tara. Philip won't answer but Brian isn't scared of him anymore and keeps pushing him for information and if they have a plan. Philip suggests they head towards Mississippi before winter sets in.
- Meanwhile Nick pushes Penny on a merry-go-round underneath a tree and Penny asks him if her dad is mad at her. Nick explains that Philip is just under a lot of stress right now. She asks the same about Brian because he has to carry her and Nick tells her that she is a Blake girl and should be proud. Penny tells him that she is going to fix up all her broken dolls and gives him a pure, happy, enthusiastic smile.
- Philip spots biters so they pack up and move out.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


18 St 13 Aug 2003 Jahr
~ 20 years ago
