June 15, 2024

11 St 13 Aug 2003 Jahr - They reach a safe zone. (Rise of the Governor)


- Day 25
- They head south where Nick's safe zones are. Brian gives Penny a piggyback.
- They reach a city bus safe zone half a block south of the pedestrian bridge. Nick wants to go back and kick Tara out. Philip insists its better on the road than in there but Nick strongly disagrees resulting in an argument that ends with Philip furiously smashing the dash of the bus with an iron rod. Things calm down and Brian comes up with a plan.
- They puncture the gas tank with the iron rod and make Molotov cocktails to burn the approaching biters. They run towards a barber shop to take refuge but Philip stays behind and attacks several burning biters. He blows up the bus with a lighter which incinerates a majority of the dead and makes it back to the others.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


11 St 13 Aug 2003 Jahr
~ 20 years ago
