June 15, 2024

5 März 1770 Jahr - Boston Massacre


Known as the incident on Kings Street, the Boston Massacre was a symbol of British aggression toward the colonist. On the night of March 5, 1770 after being harrassed by “liberty boys” British soldiers lined their men up in front of the Customs house to protect it. Some scuffling between the colonist and soldiers and in the midst of it all one soldiers fell down and accidently pulled the trigger on his gun. This provoked the other soldiers to do so to, because they thought it was a shot signaling them i to fire. The British killed 5 people that night and the colonist were outraged. The famous engraving by Paul Revere, depicted the incident as an assault on a peaceful crowd. The British soldiers were charged with manslaughter and were later accused of full on murder of the colonists. This event was widely publicized to exaggerate British aggression towards colonists to turn the public opinion against Britain.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


5 März 1770 Jahr
~ 254 years ago
