June 15, 2024

17 St. 22 Min, 1 Sept 509 Jahr v. Chr. - Classical Republics


To understand Classical Republics, you must understand classical republicanism. Classical republicanism put the needs of the greater community as a whole over individual wants, needs, and liberty. In classical republics people were taught to work as a team towards the same goal for the betterment of their community as a whole. They believed that if they stuck together and fought for the same things, they would remain strong against outside forces that might try to take over.
There are three typical aspects of classical republics that influenced the founders of the United States: small, uniform communities; citizenship and civic virtue; and moral education. It was believed that people living in small communities were more likely to be dependent on each other, form bonds, and share common goals for the good of their communities. They believed, and rightly so, that obvious inequities in class, wealth, and power would lead to conflict, and having uniform communities, people would feel like they were more of a true community. Classical republicanism also encouraged citizens to do their civic duty, put aside their own needs for the needs of the community, and be well educated and involved in political and other affairs. It was also believed that civic virtue and commitment to the good of one’s community needed to be learned in childhood. Children were also taught generosity, self-control, respect, fairness, and courage.

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26 Sep 2018


17 St. 22 Min, 1 Sept 509 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 2535 years ago