June 15, 2024

25 März 1832 Jahr - Mob Attacks Joseph and Emma's home/ Sidney Rigdon also attacked & brutalized


Joseph is beaten, tarred & feathered, Sidney is dragged by his heels and injured horribly.

My friends spent the night in scraping and removing the tar, and washing and Cleansing my body, so that by morning I was ready to be clothed again. This being the sabbath morning, the people assembled for meeting at the usual hour of worship, and among them came also the Mobbers; viz, Simonds Rider, a campbellite Preacher, and leader of the mob; one Mc.Clentic, who had his hands in my hair; One Streeter, son of a campbellite Minister; and Felatiah Allen, Esquire, who gave the mob a barrel of whiskey to raise their spirits; and many others; With my flesh all scarfied and defaced, I preached to the congregation as usual, and on the afternoon of the same day baptized three individuals. [HC 1:264]
The next morning I went to see Elder Rigdon, and found him crazy, and his head highly inflamed, for they had dragged him by his heels, and those, too, so high from the earth he could not raise his head from the rough frozen surface, which lacerated it exceedingly; and when he saw me he called to his wife to bring him his razor. She asked him what he wanted of it? and he replied, to kill me. Sister Rigdon left the room and he asked me to bring his razor: I asked him what he wanted of it, and he replied he wanted to kill his wife, and he continued delirious some days. The feathers which were used with the tar on this occasion, the mob took out of Elder Rigdons house. After they had seized him, and dragged him out. one of the banditti returned to get some pillows; when the women shut him in and kept him some time.
During the mob one of the twins received a severe cold, and continued to grow worse till friday, and died The Mobbers were composed of various religious parties but mostly Campbellites, Methodists and Baptists, who continued to molest and menace father Johnson’s house for a long time.

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25 März 1832 Jahr
~ 192 years ago