June 15, 2024

25 Nov 2013 Jahr - Bell Pottinger revealed to be doing PR for Malawi's Joyce Banda



Presidential press secretary Steve Nhlane yesterday said there was no contract to cancel between Banda and Bell Pottinger despite earlier confirming that the UK firm was engaged to help ensure the President’s efforts to fight corruption are accurately presented in the international media.

“As I have always said, there was or is no contract between the State President and Bell Pottinger. Therefore, the issue of cancelling a contract does not apply,” he said.

However, Nhlane last month said Bell Pottinger was engaged to ensure Malawi government’s fight against corruption is accurately reflected abroad.

“They have been engaged to assist the President and Government of Malawi to ensure that their work in fighting corruption is accurately reflected in the international media,” he said at the time.

The UK’s Daily Telegraph newspaper last month reported that a charity foundation, Ichikowitz Family Foundation, belonging to the owner of an African defence company, Paramount Group, was bankrolling Banda’s public relations deal.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

15 Sep 2018


25 Nov 2013 Jahr
~ 10 years ago