June 15, 2024

6 St. 20 Min, 13 Jun 2004 Jahr - The Governor attacks the prison for the first time, Axel and Andrea are injured, Rick is shot. (Issue 42) (Issue 43) (Issue 44) (Issue 45)


- Day 330
- Tyreese and Rick let the roamers pile up against the fence. Tyreese doesn't think Woodbury are coming anymore. Carl asks Sophia if she wants to play, she doesn't respond so he kisses her on the cheek. Patricia helps Lori look after the kids.
- Andrea helps Dale walk. Maggie tells Glenn that she thinks she might be pregnant.
- Tyreese and Michonne play basketball whilst Axel and Billy farm. Hershel gives Rick one of the fresh tomatoes which he enjoys.
- Suddenly Hershel looks towards the fence in horror as seven heavily armoured vehicles carrying soldiers drive behind a tank towards the prison. The Governor, dressed in riot gear and an eye patch yells "KILL THEM ALL!" from atop the tank.
- The Woodbury soldiers open fire and mow ammunition into the herd of roamers outside the fence. Everyone gets down onto their stomachs. Rick rushes inside the prison and passes Andrea who heads directly towards one of the guard towers. Rick calls out for Lori and asks her where the kids are. She tells him they're with Patricia in the gym and he tells her that Woodbury is here.
- The Governor orders a cease fire and tells the prison survivors to peacefully pile up any weapons, ammo, and supplies in the outer fence and they'll offer mercy. He gets no response and orders the army to resume firing, but before anyone can take a shot, the Governor is knocked off the tank after a bullet from Andrea strikes his right shoulder, not his head due to the riot gear helmet which she then tosses aside. She shoots two Woodbury soldiers before the Governor gives away her position and a hail of bullets flood the guard tower. A bullet skims past her head, sending her unconscious.
- Gabe argues with Philip about the soldiers being terrible shots and that they're wasting too much ammo and any can't they just run the tank over the fence? Philip orders another cease fire. Rick runs back outside to the others. Dale comments on how Andrea stopped shooting. Rick tells everyone they need to stay together and low and then realises that the tank is running over all the roamers so they can see inside easier. A car lures any remaining roamers away to form an opening and the soldiers start shooting inside the prison. Axel is shot in the arm, Glenn shoots from the guard tower and the others join him in returning fire.
- The army scrambles for cover and Andrea wakes back up. She can't see the Governor so she opens fire on any straggling soldiers, killing at least seven more. Furious, the Governor punches Gabe in the jaw and orders him to get back into the truck. The army head for the trees, leaving several bodies lying around.
- The group relaxes as the Woodbury army leaves. Tyreese believes they'll come back and use the tank to take out the towers. Michonne suggests they should chase after them which Hershel believes to be suicide because of the tank. Michonne noticed how they could barely drive it and it's likely just for show. Alice joins the group and helps patch up anyone who's wounded. Dale carries Andrea back to the group and she passes out. They all start to help get her inside when Rick stumbles out of the prison and collapses, having been shot in the stomach.
- Alice gets the group to rush Rick and Andrea to the infirmary and place Rick in the operating room so she can remove the bullet. Someone goes to tell Lori.

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6 St. 20 Min, 13 Jun 2004 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
