June 15, 2024

10 St 6 März 2004 Jahr - Rick and Tyreese find four prisoners living in the cafeteria. (Issue 13) (Issue 14)


- Day 242
- They wake up to the sound of Lori throwing up outside. Rick assigns people tasks and goes with Tyreese into the prison.
- It starts getting dark so they turn the flashlights on and come across a cafeteria door which has been barricaded with an baton.
- They're expecting a room full of roamers on the other side so they get ready to back up after opening it.
- They swing open the door and are shocked to see four men sitting around a table eating breakfast. They get welcomed in.
- The rest of the group enter and are amazed there's enough food to feed every seat in the cafeteria for weeks and there's nowhere near that many people with them.
- The group quickly discover that the four newcomers are prisoners and they each tell what they did (Axel was in for armed robbery, Andrew: drugs, Thomas: "tax fraud", and Dexter: murder of his wife and her boyfriend).
- Rick tells them that they're just regular people and the world has ended outside of the walls.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


10 St 6 März 2004 Jahr
~ 20 years ago
