June 15, 2024

10 St 22 Okt 2003 Jahr - Lee, Mark and Kenny try and save David Parker from a bear trap. (Starved For Help)


- Day 95
- A walker eats a rabbit. Lee axes it in the head. Mark is disappointed that another meal has gone to waste. The two walk for a bit and talk about how low their rations are getting since they raided Robins Air Force Base (see day 10). Tensions are rising between Kenny, Larry and Lilly's 'unfair' handling of everyone's rations.
- They spot a crow in a tree and Mark readies his rifle. Lee can tell him to take the shot or leave it as the sound will attract walkers. If Mark takes the shot, he misses.
- A scream is heard close by. The pair run towards the sound, fearing it might be Kenny who is also hunting. They come across a teacher with his leg stuck in a bear trap and his two college students trying to get him out. Kenny arrives on the scene and Travis freaks out, telling them that they just want to help their teacher. Ben thinks they might be able to help. Travis doesn't trust them as they might be the same bandits that raided their camp.
- The group agrees to help as long as David shuts up. Mark realises there's no release latch on the trap. Walkers approach and Lee quickly tries to break the trap's chain and pry it open. Lee either has to cut off David's leg or leave him in the trap. If Lee chops off his leg, David passes out from the shock and they carry him back to the Motel. Travis throws up and is quickly surrounded by walkers and devoured. If Lee does nothing, they leave David in the trap, Travis grabs Mark's gun and is accidentally shot in the stomach. They carry Travis back to the Motel and David is devoured by walkers.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


10 St 22 Okt 2003 Jahr
~ 20 years ago
