June 15, 2024

10 St. 30 Min, 22 Nov 2003 Jahr - They find the gun store, it starts to rain. (Issue 4)


- Day 126
- Deeper into Atlanta they find deserted tanks and undead soldiers. The government had failed.
- They break into the gun store and load as many guns as they can into a shopping cart. They make sure the ammo they get works with the guns.
- It starts heavily raining outside which washes off the zombie guts they covered themselves in. They fight their way through the herd. Glenn trips and the cart falls over. He scrambles to pick up whatever he can.
- Rick gets bitten on the shoulder and the two escape with the guns. Once they're safe Rick checks his shoulder where he had been bit and finds out that his thick coat protected him. They agree to not tell anyone how close they came to dying.
- Lori waits for Rick and Glenn in the rain, Shane says he can keep her company to which she tells him to stop doing that and "That night was a mistake" (see day 3).

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


10 St. 30 Min, 22 Nov 2003 Jahr
~ 20 years ago
