April 1, 2024

26 Mai 1924 Jahr - Immigration Act


In 1924 Calvin Coolidge passed the Immigration Act, which limited immigration from many Eastern European countries to primarily skilled workers, and banned Mexicans entirely. Only 2 percent of any given country's residency equivalent already in the US could migrate per year, limiting the demographic shift to almost a minimum. This irritated the Japanese, and one man even killed himself outside of the US Embassy in Tokyo as a message. (History.com 2009)

Due to the racial implications of this act, and the US's "free" nature being violated by the inherently restrictive policy, this was a reflection of the mindset of citizens in the United States. Around the world, many would-be immigrants were forced to stay in their countries, which may be toxic politically or racially, or torn by war, in effect cutting an entirely different timeline and paradigm set off.

History.com Staff. “Coolidge signs Immigration Act of 1924.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 2009, www.history.com/this-day-in-history/coolidge-signs-stringent-immigration-law. Accessed 11 Oct. 2017.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

11 Okt 2017


26 Mai 1924 Jahr
~ 100 years ago