June 15, 2024

31 out 2022 ano - (UK) RSSB evaluating next phase of H2 fuel cells in rail


The Rail Safety and Standards Board has begun investigating the essential technical questions for safe and efficient roll-out of hydrogen fuel cells, starting with the suitability of existing standards and the boundaries of responsibility between different organisations.

Hydrogen in rail
Hydrogen is very different than diesel or mainline electricity. It brings significant, and different, safety risks. Some may be relatively obvious, such as the risk of hydrogen gas combustion under very high pressure. Others are less obvious, such as where on rail vehicles, and on which routes, hydrogen storage tanks should be installed. Existing track infrastructure will affect whether this can be under a vehicle or above it, each of which will have their own additional safety issues. The number and complexity of the questions, and the necessary permutations of them, are formidable.

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31 out 2022 ano
~ 1 years and 7 months ago