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April 1, 2024

Holodomor (1 gen 1932 anni – 1 lugl 1933 anni)


With Stalin's plan to centralize farms in present day Ukraine. Stalin wanted the collectivization of all the farms in the state to go to the USSR exports. The farmers had to give up much of their harvest and strict punishments were put in place to those who disobeyed. Many still rebelled against the policies and his power. Unfortunately the NKVD put a stop to them and sent many to the gulag. Soon enough Stalin decides to starve and purge the entirety of Ukraine's population and hides it from the media. These actions caused millions of deaths. Due to his need of totalitarianism of his power, he caused millions of people to suffer.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

24 giorni fa


1 gen 1932 anni
1 lugl 1933 anni
~ 1 years and 5 months