June 15, 2024

Cultural Revolution (5 marzo 1966 anni – 2 gen 1975 anni)


Effects on Mao's position:
- Strengthened Mao's position, increasing the obedience to Mao dramatically. CCP was now under Mao's control. The use of laogi, re-educational prison camps, ensured loyalty from even Mao's less passionate supporters.
- Mao also became more suspicious of the rest of the CCP, almost becoming paranoid that they were plotting against him.

Effects on Economy:
- Negative effect on development of Chinese economy. Mangers who were loyal to communism were removed and their replacement often lacked the skills to run successful businesses.
- The use of trains to transport the Red Guards resulted in a shortage of trains for transporting raw maaterials and goods to market. The industrial production fell by 13%.

Effects on Chinese People:
- Education: Schools closed as it was seen as more important to train young people to be loyal party members than to educate them. Only 1% of the population had a degree.
- Family: Weakened the family. Family ties were broken with so many youths leaving to work in the countryside. Children were also told to look to Mao and the CCP before their parents, even reporting on their parents if they showed support for any of the 4 olds.
- Health: Doctors were suspected as being reactionaries, and many of them feared they would be accused of opposing the revolution. So, surgeons cancelled operations and instead spent time sweeping floors.
- Religion: Religion was criticised as one of the Four Olds, and public worship was forbidden.
- Culture: Jiang Qing was put in charge of developing a new Communist-approved culture and removing traditional Chinese Culture. She introduced a strict system of censorship, reducing China to a cultural desert.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


5 marzo 1966 anni
2 gen 1975 anni
~ 8 years and 10 months