June 15, 2024

Italian Renaissance (1 gen 1400 anni – 1 gen 1600 anni)


Around the turn of the 15th Century, one of the most wealthiest places in Europe was the Italian Peninsular. Although many of the Crusades sent by the Pope had failed in their objective, they did result in establishing solid trade routes with the Levant, and later the Ottomans. This meant that the various city states on the peninsular, such as Florence, Milan, and Venice, grew richer and richer in a very quick period of time.

This prosperous collection of urban environments brought forth individuals who sought to read, learn, and discover and eventually they began finding and translating ancient Greek manuscripts that been brought from the Eastern Mediterranean due to the Ottoman invasions of Greece. These manuscripts, as well as those that had been built upon and commented on by Islamic scholars, were translated and distributed amongst the rich thinkers of Italy. By 1400 an avid interest in both ancient Greek and Roman culture had developed, now with paintings, sculptures, and architecture reflecting the worlds of years gone by.

Historians would later refer to this period of new enlightenment as the Renaissance, a French word for "rebirth." Over the next two centuries the Renaissance would bring about individuals such as Donatello, Leonardo de Vinci, and Michelangelo, producing world-famous pieces of art. Scientific study and philosophy would also see significant advancements from the likes of Francis Bacon and Galileo Galilei. The results of this meant more focus on humanism and forces of the natural world, rather than on religious teachings and traditions, especially those of the Catholic Church.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1400 anni
1 gen 1600 anni
~ 200 years