June 15, 2024

13 ottob 2022 anni - (UK) Rolls-Royce releases new rail engines for sustainable fuels


Rolls-Royce is taking a significant step toward even more climate-friendly rail transport with the release of mtu rail engines for use with sustainable fuels.

With synthetic diesel fuels of the EN15940 standard, CO2 emissions can be reduced by up to 100% compared to fossil diesel. Hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO or renewable diesel), which is already commercially available today, reduces CO2 emissions by up to 90%. If the fuels are produced with the help of renewable energy and green hydrogen – through what is termed a power-to-X process – existing rail vehicles can be operated in a completely CO2-neutral manner.

The mtu Series 1800 engines which are used in mtu PowerPacks, as well as Series 1300 and 1500 for locomotives and multi-purpose vehicles, are already approved for use with synthetic fuels such as HVO. Series 1600 and versions of Series 4000 engines will follow soon.

The release of engines for climate-friendly fuels requires a series of tests and trials and Rolls-Royce has found strong partners for this activity. DB Cargo and RDC Autozug Sylt have already tested or are currently testing mtu Series 4000 engines with HVO in their locomotives.


Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


13 ottob 2022 anni
~ 1 years and 7 months ago