June 15, 2024

19 agos 1839 anni - First Practical Camera


In France, an artist named Louis Daguerre had been experimenting with light-sensitive materials in an effort to capture a perfect image of real life. Eventually, Daguerre coated a silver-plated sheet of copper with a chemical known as silver iodide and then placed it inside a small box with a tiny hole in the front; as the copper sheet was exposed to the light entering the tiny hole, an image began to appear.

Louis Daguerre had just invented the first practical camera. After refining the process over two years, he finally unveiled his invention to the public in 1839. A year later, a British inventor named Henry Fox Talbot perfected a slightly different process using paper, and thus began the development of photography in the UK.

Over the next fifty years both of these processes would eventually be combined and improved upon, and soon even an instantaneous snapshot was achievable which gave rise to photography being a common hobby and profession by the end of the 19th Century.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


19 agos 1839 anni
~ 184 years ago
