June 15, 2024

24 feb 1582 anni - Gregorian Calendar Implemented


Since 46 BCE the majority of the known world had adopted the Julian Calendar to use for official and administrative business. It was observed over time however that it would gain about three days every four centuries thus slowly becoming out of sync with the solar year and the seasons. As well as this, it made it difficult for the Catholic world to celebrate Easter - the celebration of Christ's resurrection - in the correct time of year as it was marked using the northern spring equinox.

To solve these problems Pope Gregory XIII formalized a new calendar to use which kept the 365 days of the year but instead moved the leap day to every four years. As well as this, Gregory defined how many days were in each month resulting in what we know them as today. This new Gregorian Calendar was implemented on 24th February 1582 and over the next 400 years would be adopted by almost every nation on the planet.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


24 feb 1582 anni
~ 442 years ago
