June 15, 2024

17 dic 1903 anni - First Manned Heavier-than-air Flight of an Aircraft


At the turn of the 20th Century, two brothers in North Carolina named Orville and Wilbur Wright had been working on a machine that could fly through the air with the intention of carrying people and goods.

The idea of this "aeroplane" was not a new in the early 1900s, as during the entire 19th Century, a number of individuals including George Cayley, Samuel Pierpont Langley, and Gustave Whitehead, had made significant advancements in the world of aviation. It was these men and others that first established the most efficient design for an aeroplane based on aerodynamics - their experiments in the late 1800s laid a lot of the groundwork that the Wright brothers would build upon.

It was an experiment in 1903 however, that made the Wright brothers famous for their contribution to flight. After a series of many calculations, tests, and prototypes, the Wrights officially made the first sustained flight of a manned, controlled, engine-powered aircraft on 17th December 1903.

Over the next few years the Wright's improved and modified their design while at the same time, engineers in Europe began to develop their own successful flying machines. Within a decade powered flight became an established technology that was available to any industry that wanted it. The 20th Century would see the aeroplane become the easiest and fastest way for people to travel across oceans, seas, and continents, having a significant influence on the military, tourism, and the transportation of cargo.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


17 dic 1903 anni
~ 120 years ago
