June 15, 2024

7 marzo 1876 anni - First Practical Telephone


Since the 1830s, a number of individuals had been experimenting with electricity and finding practical uses for the power, particularly in the ways of communication. Eventually it was theorised that the human voice could be transmitted over a wire and be heard on a receiver. This concept was worked upon by several people who improved on each other's ideas until finally a man named Alexander Graham Bell patented the first practical telephone in March 1876.

Bell made the first successful phone call in Boston, Massachusetts, on 10th March to his friend and colleague in an adjoining room, Thomas Watson. Bell spoke the words "Mr Watson - come here - I want to see you" which were heard loud and clearly over the receiver.

Over the following years, the telephone would be improved upon further with the founding of various telephone companies, as well as the development of telephone exchanges which allowed for the creation of networks across a nation and eventually the world.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


7 marzo 1876 anni
~ 148 years ago
