June 15, 2024

29 ottob 1969 anni - The Internet


After the invention of the digital computer in the 1940s, various engineers had worked on the idea of connecting different computers so as to share information and instructions between them. Once multiple computers were linked together via cables, this was referred to as a "computer network".

Initially, these computer networks were limited to just a singular building or site where the computers were close to each other, but during the 1960s, a number of organizations began to work on connecting these networks together so as to create a network of networks. Eventually, it was the US government that finally achieved this idea by incorporating various designs from Europe and America into one enormous network called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). The ARPANET was first connected on 29th October 1969 when a link was established between the University of California in Los Angeles and the Stanford Research Institute at San Francisco Bay.

Over the following decades, the ARPANET would be developed further and merged with many other networks throughout the United States, being used by various academic facilities as well as the military. By 1973, a satellite link was used to connect the ARPANET with a network in Norway, and thus began the development of a worldwide interconnected network that would eventually be reffered to as the "Internet".

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


29 ottob 1969 anni
~ 54 years ago
