June 15, 2024

4 lugl 1803 anni - Louisiana Purchase


In the early 1800s Louisiana was a vast area of North America that stretched right from the Mississippi river in the east all the way to the Rocky Mountains in the west. It also bordered the Gulf of Mexico in the south and the Canadian border in the north totalling around 828,000 square miles of land.

The Spanish Empire had done little to develop this land in the thirty years they had owned it leaving Louisiana relatively free of European colonization, with the exception of a few small French settlements.

Now that France owned it, however, the Haitian Revolution was one factor that caused Napoleon Bonaparte to sell Louisiana to the Americans. He eventually did exactly this on the 4th July 1803, and thus the United States doubled in size. Soon after the purchase, US President Thomas Jefferson commissioned an expedition to explore this newly acquired territory and even venture beyond the border into northwest America - a place that was entirely unclaimed by Europeans.

The Corps of Discovery Expedition was led by two US Army volunteers, namely Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. Lewis and Clark began their journey in May 1804 and for just over two years made their way across the vast American continent reaching their furthest point on the coast of the Pacific Ocean in what-is-now the state of Oregon. On their expedition, Lewis and Clarke mapped hundreds of miles of land, mountain ranges, and rivers, encountered many Native tribes, recording their language and customs - even being aided significantly by one Native American woman named Sacagawea who helped the men form peaceful relations with many of the indigenous people they encountered.

The numerous amount of information acquired during the expedition marked it's success and became essential in opening the door for further exploration, trade, and scientific discoveries over the next century.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


4 lugl 1803 anni
~ 221 years ago
