June 15, 2024

1 gen 618 anni - Tibetan Empire


For many years, nomadic tribes lived all throughout an elevated snowy area of land that sat between India and China. This land is known as Tibet, and by the end of the 6th Century CE, many of the tribes in southern Tibet were under the rule of a people known as the Yarlung. In the early 600s CE, the Yarlung ex-tended its rule even further, entering into Central Tibet, and even sending a representative to the Sui dynasty in China, thus making its first official contact to the international world.

Over the next decade, the Yarlung began to dominate the entire Tibetan pla-teau until becoming a completely unified empire around the year 618 CE. This new empire remained largely a collection of nomadic farmers, but small walled cities also appeared throughout, including a capital. Traditionally, the first em-peror was a man named Songtsen Gampo, who is credited with not only inventing the Tibetan alphabet, basing it on that of India's, but also introducing Buddhism through his foreign wives from India and China.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 618 anni
~ 1407 years ago
