June 15, 2024

2 ore 37 min, 3 lugl 2018 anni - VoPerium vs infared war


Infrared attacks a VoCo outpost and thus begins the VoPerium vs Infrared war.

Roughly three months since the 6th incursion began and the fall of AA nothing notable really happened, until Retronautx griefed a VoCo spawnbase with Coltsnid AFK there, Coltsnid was forced to log, after this he spoke to TheDark_Emperor and Ericudo and they agreed on starting the VoPerium vs Infrared war, a war that was supposed to finally end Infrared. In retaliation to this WindowsXP and WomenAreObjects (WAO) griefed a VoCo spawnbase with neither VoCo or Emperium doing anything to harm them yet. Not long later some drama went down with WAO (a member who had been loyal to Infrared for a long time) which resulted in him leaking almost every Infrared base except for IHackedWalmart's stash, all the valuable items from every base and stash were moved to a safe location but Infrared had lost all of their bases, Infrared also resolved differences with Highland after WAO's betrayal. Two other bases were made after this but WindowsXP leaked them by accident, after this no further bases were made due to member activity declining massively and there were roughly 6 remaining active members, for 2 weeks almost nothing happened during the war. When VoCo began to renovate their spawn base at 420 911, Infrared members saw this as an opportunity to attack VoCo at spawn and obliterate their spawn base. WindowsXP, dabigbulletz638, IHackedWalmart, Retronautx and jared2013 took on the VoCo spawn squad and managed to beat them in a huge pvp battle, wither the base and had assistance lavacasting it by jared2013. After this battle the war was the same as it was before the battle, Infrared and Highland were constantly at 0,0 nether killing anyone who wasn't in either group, these were how Infrared's last days were spent.

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3 mesi fa


2 ore 37 min, 3 lugl 2018 anni
~ 5 years and 11 months ago