June 15, 2024

1871 Age of Nationalism & Imperialism (1 janv. 1871 – 1 janv. 1914)


Unit 7:
Contextualizing 19th-Century Perspectives and Political Developments

-a feeling of strong identification with one's own people and one's own cultural heritage, and those bonds are strengthened by a shared history and a shared language
-Zionism: response to antisemitism and Dreyfus affair, Theodore Hertzel German Jew, argued that Jews should have their own homeland in Palestine

National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions
-Austria-Hungary joins together
-Italian unification: Count Cavour in Piedmont region Northern area unified, Gioseppi Garibaldi military leader unified Southern region, Victor Emmanuel II
-German unification: Auto Van Bismark realpolitik and Machiavellian, Franco-Prussia war, Keiser Wilhelm I crowned king of Germany

Darwinism, Social Darwinism

Age of Progress and Modernity
-Positivism: rational conclusion must be probable uses science and math, so no objective truth, led to rise of modernism: Freud human behavior governed by unreachable subconscious

New Imperialism: Motivations and Methods
-Africa and Asia -Economics
-want raw materials (coal, oil, copper) and new markets
-Scramble for Africa: tension Berlin Conference 1844-45 European leaders divided Africa up, nearly all of Africa was colonized
-Racial Superiority: Kipling "White Mans Burden"
-Military technology due to 2nd industrial revolution, communication (telegraph), transportation (sewage canal), medicine (quinine vaccine)

Imperialism's Global Effects
-Diplomatic Tensions
-Colonized people rebel

19th-Century Culture and Arts
-Romanticism: reaction against the cold rationality of Enlightenment thought and the classical, tidy themes of Neoclassical art, more subjective, emotional, led to"
Impressionism: light and color Monet, Post Impressionism: Starry Night Vincent Van Gogh awe and emotion, Cubism: Picasso,

Causation in 19th-Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Ajouté au bande de temps:

il y a 23 jrs


1 janv. 1871
1 janv. 1914
~ 43 years