June 15, 2024

30 juill. 1656 - Battaglia di Varsavia (1GdN)


Sweden had invaded Poland-Lithuania in 1655, starting the First Northern War that would last until 1660. The Swedish advance was swift. In 1656 King Charles X of Sweden and an allied Brandenburg army bested a larger Polish-Lithuanian army near Warsaw before advancing into the city.
In June 1656 Sweden signed an alliance with Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia. Their joint army of 18,000 marched toward Warsaw from the north. Awaiting them was the Polish-Lithuanian king, John II Casimir Vasa, and an army of around 40,000 largely untrained soldiers. John Casimir ferried part of his army across the Vistula, and marched up the river’s right bank toward the Swedish-Brandenburg army. On 28 July Charles launched an unsuccessful frontal assault along the right bank. He was unable to dislodge the Polish-Lithuanian infantry, which had dug in behind earthworks between the river bank and the Białolęka Forest.
The next day, Charles and Frederick William decided to bypass the Polish-Lithuanian lines. Their forces wheeled left through the forest, with infantry shielded by cavalry. Fighting off Polish-Lithuanian attacks, they now occupied an open plain on the Polish-Lithuanian right, thus outflanking them. John Casimir attempted to dislodge their new position with a Hussar charge, but he was unable to press home his advantage. With his position now untenable, John Casimir withdrew across the Vistula that night. On 30 July the Swedish-Brandenburg army marched across the open plain and attacked the retreating Polish-Lithuanian army, which was forced to flee from Warsaw. The Swedish-Brandenburg army marched into Warsaw, but its forces were inadequate to hold the city and it was later forced to withdraw.
Losses: Polish-Lithuanian, 2,000 of 40,000; SwedishBrandenburg, 1,000 of 18,000. Enciclopedia Britannica

Ajouté au bande de temps:


30 juill. 1656
~ Il y a 368 ans