June 15, 2024

23 mar 2022 año - (BELGIUM) Lineas to introduce a dynamic energy surcharge


Freight operator Lineas has announced the introduction of a dynamic energy surcharge from April 1, saying this will be a first for the rail sector and it anticipates that other operators will follow.

Lineas said such surcharges are common for other modes. ‘We cannot continue to be the only mode of transport that doesn’t pass on the rising energy costs’, said Chief Commercial Officer Lars Redeligx on March 18. ’This is surely true for privately owned businesses like us, but even for state-owned competitors, the solution cannot be that the taxpayer has to cover their rising energy bill. Therefore Lineas will apply a dynamic energy surcharge to be able to offer sustainable rail transport.’

Lineas said the EEX spot price per megawatt-hour had more than tripled compared to average prices in 2021, and diesel has also become significantly more expensive.


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23 mar 2022 año
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~ 2 years and 2 months ago