June 15, 2024

30 März 2022 Jahr - (ROMANIA) Romania starts market consultation for hydrogen trains


The Romanian Railway Reform Authority (RRA) has published in the Romanian public procurement platform SEAP market consultation notices to prepare the acquisition of interregional and regional hydrogen-powered units. The new trains are expected to be financed by non-reimbursable European funds.

RRA intends to organise procedures for the procurement for short and long distance hydrogen trains as well as the maintenance service necessary for their operation for a period of 15 years. The authority also intends to extend the maintenance of the units to 30 years and hydrogen supply services related to them.

The procurement of interregional hydrogen-powered units involves three variants which includes a transport capacity of approximately 160, 180 and 200 of fixed or folding seats for passengers, respectively 16 places for bicycles.

With regard to regional hydrogen trains, it is desired to obtain unit estimated values ​​for the purchase of frames in two variants – with a transport capacity of approximately 120 and 160 fixed and folding seats for passengers, respectively 16 places for bicycles.

The requested quotations, distinct in terms of transport capacity, will be composed of:

the purchase price of the hydrogen electric unit, expressed in euro/unit;
the price for maintenance for 15 years, expressed by an average price in euro/km, the maintenance services will be provided with an additional option of up to 30 years;
the price for providing the supply service, for 15 years, with the hydrogen necessary for the operation of the units, expressed in euro/km.
Other issues requested in the market consultation include the maximum construction speed for each type of unit proposed and the delivery time of the first unit.

The consultation takes place online and the deadline for submitting comments is April 15, 2021.

We remind you that the RRA and Alstom signed a contract for the supply of EMU fleet on March 25.


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30 März 2022 Jahr
~ 2 years and 2 months ago