June 15, 2024

24 ноя 1859 г. - Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species"


Since ancient times, the belief in a God or the belief in a number of deities had continued to exist in the majority of human civilizations. However, following the Renaissance, as well as various philosophical movements during the 18th Century, the idea that God did not exist was something that spread quickly amongst scientists and philosophers.

The original truth given in the Bible had been lost over the centuries due to either mistranslation or the selfish pursuits of churches. This left many people with unanswered questions about God and his purpose for the Earth thus causing them to let go of their belief in him and search for answers elsewhere. One answer that was put forth as a theory for how life came to exist was published in 1859, entitled "On the Origin of Species".

The book was written by an English naturalist named Charles Darwin, who during the 1830s had taken part in a scientific expedition to the Galapagos Islands, among other places. Darwin's study of the nature of fossils, the beaks of finches, and the anatomy of barnacles eventually led him to promote the concept of biological evolution.

This theory of evolution put forth the idea that rather than being individually created, animals instead had come from a few simple life-forms millions of years ago that over time had gradually changed genetically into the various species we see today.

Although Darwin was not the first to come up with the idea of evolution, he was the first to describe how such a process could happen, and his publication of "On the Origin of Species" led to the eventual wide acceptance of evolution amongst the scientific community and the general public. Eventually, the theory of evolution led Darwin to consider this was also the process of how humans came to be, declaring in a separate book that humans had descended from apes.

These ideas were widely controversial at the time and clashed with the major churches as well as with people who thought themselves as separate from animals. Over the following century, however, Darwin's work became the basis for further genetic research and prompted many to regard the Biblical account of Genesis as an allegory, rather than a literal origin of life. By the 21st Century, the theory of biological evolution would be accepted as fact by the majority of the world.

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11 мес назад


24 ноя 1859 г.
~ 164 г назад
