June 15, 2024

17 nov 1869 ano - Suez Canal


During the 19th Century, the country of Egypt had managed to gain a somewhat form of independence from the Ottoman Empire. Officially they were a vassal state of the empire but the Ottomans had no power or presence in the country, leaving it under the control of a succession of Muslim governors.

It was at this point that a number of European nations were researching into the idea of building an enormous canal that connected the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. This canal would negate the need for ships to travel all the way around Africa to get to the Indian Ocean, and visa versa, thus cutting down significantly on time and money in the trading world.

Eventually after many surveys and plans, a canal began to be constructed in the Egyptian land of Suez, under the control of a French company. A number of other countries owned shares in the project and over a period of 10 years thousands of workers were employed from around the globe to construct the Suez Canal.

Finally the canal opened under French Control on 17th November 1869. It's effect on world trade was significant as now goods could come and go between Europe and Asia in record time. As well as this, the ruler of Egypt would eventually be forced to sell his shares of the company to Britain six years later, which resulted in the British co-owning the canal with France. This ownership in turn was the beginning of the British Empire slowly extending it's control over Egypt and it's government over the next few decades.

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17 nov 1869 ano
~ 154 years ago
