June 15, 2024

Industrial Revolution (1 janv. 1760 – 1 janv. 1840)


Since around the 1760s, the development of the steam engine had helped give rise to what's known as the Industrial Revolution - a period of time whereby the manufacturing of products went from being done manually by hand-crafting them in shops, to it being done on an industrial scale by new machines and tools in large factories.

This made a significant cultural impact in the populations of cities. As iron and steel were being used at an exponential rate, the development of new technology meant a consistently improved standard of living for the Western world.

Along with metalwork and steam power, the Industrial Revolution brought an increase in the manufacturing of textiles, clothes, chemicals, gas lighting, and even glass making. Agriculture was improved upon with the introduction of seed drills and threshing machines; and as more consumer products fell in price due to the rise in production, more people could now afford to buy things like tea, coffee, sugar, watches, household clocks, and literature.

Unfortunately, the Industrial Revolution also had a significant impact on the environment. Untreated sewage became worse, smoke filled the air, and the use of fossil fuels increased, ultimately giving birth to the environmental pollution we know today.

In the end, almost every aspect of daily life was affected in some way by the Industrial Revolution, making it a significant turning point in history.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

il y a 11 mois


1 janv. 1760
1 janv. 1840
~ 80 years