June 15, 2024

24 nov 1642 - Dutch Discover Tasmania and New Zealand


In the August of 1642 the Dutch East India Company charted a voyage to explore the Southwest Pacific Ocean in search of land rich with gold. The voyage was captained by a man named Abel Tasman and after leaving Mauritius in October he made his way across the vast Indian Ocean eventually coming to a small island that would later bare his name, Tasmania.

After Tasman realised it was in fact just an island he made his way East again looking for the rumoured continent to explore. Had he sailed North they would have actually found the Southern Coasts of Australia but by sailing Eastwards Tasman and his men instead became the first Europeans to reach the land of New Zealand in the December of 1642.

The Dutch sailed across the Western shores for about a month encountering a tribe of Maori people approaching them in canoes. It seems these Maori possibly thought the Europeans were invading an agricultural land of theirs so a small conflict occurred resulting in the deaths of five men. Tasman and his crew then left the island and eventually sailed on to Indonesia. Europeans would not visit New Zealand again for over a hundred years.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

il y a 11 mois


24 nov 1642
~ Il y a 381 ans