June 15, 2024

Arab Spring (17 dic 2010 año – 23 dic 2012 año)


Since the 21st Century began, much of the younger generation in North Africa and the Middle East had become dissatisfied with their local governments. Many people had issues with monarchy, corruption, and poverty, among other things. Eventually, in December 2010, police corruption and ill treatment caused a man in Tunisia, named Mohamed Bouazizi, to set himself on fire as a form of protest. This immediately caused an uprising of other protesters throughout Tunisia, and soon a full nationwide revolution began.

As people across the country organized strikes, demonstrations, and marches - mostly through social media - the unrest began to spread to other Arab nations that were suffering similar governmental problems. By February 2011, revolts had started in fifteen different Arab countries including Algeria, Egypt, Yemen, and Libya. Some of these revolts would result in governmental changes, while in other places, country leaders such as Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, would be captured and killed by the rebels.

The Arab Spring continued on for almost another two years before various authorities used their military power to end the demonstrations and strikes. By 2013, the entire period of revolution had essentially come to an end, with a resulting death toll of over 61,000.

Altogether, twenty different countries were affected by the Arab Spring, each experiencing different levels of protest and changes. Tunisia, Algeria, and Egypt were among those who had their entire governments overthrown, whereas nations such as Saudi Arabia and Palestine experienced only minor protests.

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17 dic 2010 año
23 dic 2012 año
~ 2 years
