June 15, 2024

1 Dez 1894 Jahr - First Practical Radio


In 1894 an Italian engineer named Guglielmo Marconi, used a number of previous scientific theories and experiments to eventually develop a form of wireless telegraph known as the "radio".

This radio communication involved the use of electromagnetic waves to transmit Morse code rather than electric wires. The first radio station was established by Marconi on the Isle of Wight in 1897, and a year later a radio factory was built in Chelmsford, England. Before long, industries such as the Post Office and the military began using radios in to transmit messages across England and Ireland. Eventually radio communications began to rise in the United States and elsewhere in the early 1900s.

It was then in December 1900, that Canadian-born Reginald Fessenden became the first person to successfully transmit speech over radio waves and thus a new from of radio communication was born. Over the following years, radio would become a vastly significant way of communicating across the planet with Morse code, voice-to-voice, news, and entertainment being transmitted by a wide variety of industries and organizations throughout the 20th Century and beyond.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Dez 1894 Jahr
~ 129 years ago
