June 15, 2024

1 Jan 1000 Jahr - Vikings in Newfoundland


According to various Norse sagas, during one journey from Iceland to Greenland, a cargo ship was blown off course and the crew caught sight of land towards their west. This sighting was relayed back to a Norseman named Leif Erikson who decided to find and explore the area in more detail. He set off with a crew from the coasts of Greenland around the year 1000 and soon came across a place that he described as Helluland, meaning "land of flat stones." This land was one of the northern coasts of what-is-now Canada, making Leif Erikson the first European to discover and ever set foot on the American continent.

Erikson and his crew ventured further south reaching a "land of forests", and then a "land of wine" in the year 1001. This Vinland was the Canadian island of Newfoundland and it was here Leif established a small settlement for two winters on the Northern tip, before returning back to Greenland. Four years later another ship of Norse explorers ventured to the Vinland settlement and ended up attacking a group of natives; this began a series of hostilities between the natives and the Norse before they returned to Greenland the following spring.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1000 Jahr
~ 1025 years ago

